Hygienic food is one of the essential requirement in today’s human life, keeping in mind the present effect of global pollutions in the atmosphere as well as the lock downs happened recently.
Maintaining a proper hygiene for food is really important need of an hour same goes for stale fishes.
In some landing areas the authorities of food safety seizes the fish stales because of harmful preservatives were present such as: Formalin and Ammonia especially in lock down days.
Moreover, how will you identify fresh fish from stales, here are some tips that you could follow to protect your families.
Ammonia is one of the substance that is been added to the ice for delaying its melting process. Another is Formalin, this mostly used in cold storage for preserving the bodies. It contains high poison, cause cancer and ulcer. This is also harmful for digestive system in human bodies, as well as gives rise to the disease of liver, lungs, kidneys, heart and central nervous system. Another disease assign to formalin is peritonitis.
Identify fish which are tied to formalin:
– The first sign to identify is discoloration in the eyes.
– The absence of fresh natural odor.
– Changes in color of scales.
– Last but not least the stiffness in body of stale fishes. If body is soft and not stiff then the fish is stale.
Unethical traders supply fish which are stored in ice for long period of time, they are also costly in price.
How Formalin is used, when one small glass of formalin is dissolved into a bucket of water, this solution store fish about 250kg and take much space for four days….
Infact formalin forever remains in the fish, before and after cooking and washing.
Hei5 International Food does not use any kind of preservatives whereas the fresh fish which is bought from local fishermen immediately goes to blast freezer where it is frozen under -40°C thus the freshness of the fish gets locked so whenever you buy fish from Hei5 International Food it is guaranteed that your fish is 100% organic, and free from all kind of preservatives and chemicals.
Things to keep in mind before shopping and the main difference between the stale fish and fresh fish are dullness of color, bad smell and soft body. We could also get the hint of freshness by checking the gills which should be red, the running of blood while cleaning and removing the internal part, bad and heavy smell of ammonia is also the sign of stale fish.